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KK Kaminaka
Original Songs
Songwriter, Keyboardist, Vocalist, Creator of fresh, out of the box, on edge performances. Visual artist. Built ArtZone - private art gallery / theatre

Concert crowd at live music festival

Close up of microphone


Concert crowd at live music festival
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“Music helps me go way outside the box”
KK Kaminaka
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KK Afro.jpg

KK Singing.jpg

KK Extensions.jpg

KK Gibb.jpg

KK Eye.jpg
The many faces of KK
Reinventing myself is critical to growing and learning to be in the present. I am excited to wake up each morning...ready to go wherever the music takes me.
Home: Bio
If you want to know the latest developements, please don't hesitate to connect with me.
808 436 3544

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